Healthy Eating Guidance

Healthy eating is important for children’s growth, development and well-being. A balanced diet can help them maintain a healthy weight, prevent chronic diseases and support their learning and mood. Here are some tips on how to provide healthy food choices for your children and what to put in their pack lunches.

– Offer a variety of foods from the five food groups such as vegetables, fruits, grains, pulses and alternatives, and dairy or fortified soy products. try to aim for at least one serving of each food group in every meal and snack.

– Avoid foods that are high in fat, sugar and salt, such as crisps, cookies, cakes, squash. These foods can fill up your children’s stomachs and leave less room for nutritious foods. They can also cause tooth decay, obesity and other health problems.

– Encourage your children to drink water instead of sugary drinks. Water helps keep them hydrated, regulates their body temperature and flushes out toxins. You can add some slices of lemon, cucumber or berries to make water more appealing.

– why not Involve your children in planning and preparing their meals and snacks. This can help them learn about nutrition, develop cooking skills and increase their interest in trying new foods. You can also use this opportunity to teach them about food safety, such as washing hands before handling food.

– Make pack lunches fun and colourful by including a variety of foods from different food groups. For example, you can make a sandwich with whole wheat bread, cheese, lettuce and tomato; a fruit salad with apple, banana, grapes and yogurt; and a granola bar for dessert. You can also use cookie cutters, or skewers to create different shapes and designs for your children’s lunch.

For more information about healthy eating, check out the eatwell guide at NHS. Click Here;

